Social Media just a Social Fad?

26 Oct

It pains me to think some people still think Social Media is just a going fad. It is mind blowing to think of the power social media has. Think about Twitter.

A few weeks ago, Gap announced their newest logo. This new design looked to most like it was made by a 10 year old using Microsoft Paint. Paint. That’s right, the little program we all played with at kids, a program with no design merit but with a lot of…fun. I tried to find a photo of the logo but its seemed to disappear…interesting. As soon as the logo was announced, it was a trending topic in Twitter. I learned about the redesign from a friend who is a designer. Within a week, millions of people had discussed their disinterest in this logo via Twitter, and this made it aware to the execs at Gap, the logo sucked. What did Gap do? They went right back to their long time logo, and everyone is happy again.

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, even Myspace have power over all of us, whether we believe it or not.

I spend my days on facebook, my nights on twitter…I have knowledge thrown at me constantly, and I wouldn’t change a thing…

Watch this video. Its interesting. I can’t recommend the book at the end, yet…I plan to pick it up tomorrow.

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