What do you have to say twitter?

6 Sep

I decided it might be beneficial to those fellow unemployed people out there for this blog to focus on my job hunt. The ins and outs of applications, interviews and hopefully a new job.

So I took to my twitter with this question: What advice do you have for job seekers in this economy?

Check back later to see what I get!


5 Sep

In a time such as this where the job market is…empty, its not surprising how frustrating the search can get. Day after day, email after email, online application after online application…and the list goes on. The monotonous tasks seem to get me no where, but I’m hoping eventually this regiment will get me somewhere…a job. Now believe me, I do realize there are people out there who have been at it much longer than I have. Friends of mine have been pretty much unemployed since we graduated in May of 2009, and some have been tossed from job to job, because in an economy like this no job is really secure. To be honest, the most frustrating part of the whole job hunt for me, is the automated emails one receives back from a company. 

‘Dear Person X,

We have received your resume. We will review your information and determine if you are qualified for the position.

Good luck with your job search,
Company Y’

Thanks for the same email that every other applicant is getting. And really…will someone be actually looking at my resume to see if I’m the perfect fit, or will it be run through a program, searched for keywords, and tossed aside when they are not found. In this age of technology, the job hunt has become completely impersonal. Maybe, just maybe, if there was a way for my image to get out there, along side my resume, I could find myself a position. Make it personal, make me appear human, rather than a rap sheet of accomplishments, work experience and a long list of clubs I was involved in during college. So how does one make the job hunt personal? Aside from personally going to a company to hand in your resume (which I am certain 99% of companies would not like) I guess there really is no way. Write a killer cover letter maybe? 

But that in itself is a whole other issue. So basically, I write a letter to go along with my resume. I never know who to address them too, or exactly what to say…but I take key points from my life and map them out, give the personal an a-b-c relationship of my skills. I worked at company a, where I did be, and that would make me a great asset to your company because of c. Can this basic formula get me a job? The job of my dreams? In an economy where dreams are crushed left and right?

I guess part of me just spends my days bitter at the world. I worked hard in college, maybe not as hard as some, but harder than most. I made Dean’s List, and would have made Comm honors (if it existed while I was there). I was involved in over 20 clubs, held 3 jobs my senior year, and had friends. I did two internships, one of which was international. All of these things, added to my stellar personality and my skills to multi-task surely make me a shoe-in for any career, or so I thought. Two years older…thats all it would have taken. Students graduating in 2007/2008 got jobs right out of school, practically naming their own salary…and here I am, an 09er with no direction, no job…and little hope.

So how can I stay motivated? I have a car payment that I’m reminded of everyday when I hope in my car. A credit card bill that comes into my email box once a month. Bills, needless spending, needed spending…and so the job hunt will move along…and will continue to be important until I land a job…any job at this point. Isn’t that sad though? I graduated college with a twinkle in my eye, and now I try to regain composure, without even a glimmer I realize the job I sat around dreaming out won’t come easy, and might not come at all for many years to come…but work is work and money is money. And so I chug along…


3 Sep

The heroine in this story is now sitting at home, unemployed but hopeful.

About two weeks ago, my stint at Mt Hope ended. It was great being a teacher, but it was time to move on. And thus I find myself unemployed (Well except a part time job, need to make the money somehow). 

So now I search. I am looking for a PR job in the Boston area. I’d like to specialize in social media. I am looking for my foot in the door, my entry level position to give me experience and knowledge. Thats where I am now. 

So, what do you think of twitter? Do you care? I’m going to say 99% of the people I know don’t actually care about twitter. Its funny how in everyday lingo, ‘tweet’ seems like a normal word now, but there are some people who I still shiver when they ‘tweet’ comes across their lips. Why is that? I think this is partially do to the generation gap. To me it is so strange to see my mom pop-up on my facebook news feed, or receive a text message from my dad (who, to be quite honest, knows how to better navigate the iPhone 4 than I do). I guess the age old way of thinking is still present today. My parents, in my mind, should be more interested in the things of their childhood than 3-d tv (another technological advancement my dad could probably out talk anyone about). So to hear my mom talk about updating her facebook leaves me a little bit sad. I come from a heritage not very different from many other people. My mom, born in Italy, came to this country in 1954. My dad, grew up in Watertown. They had things, but nothing was in excess. Computers weren’t around yet, tvs were small and in black and white, and going to movies was cheap. Infact, my dad told me once he went to the movies with 25 cents. He saw a movie, 4 cartoons, and got a drink. He left the movie with 10 cents left over. How did we go from 15 cent movies, to $11 tickets? Things change, generations change, and yet in my mind my parents will always be behind in terms of technology, although I have come to realize…maybe it won’t be too long until my dad actually does start to ‘tweet’.

Life’s changing around me, but I’m pretty much standing still…

11 Aug

Time to use this blog for its actual purposes (no, not just to annoy Chris like its been for the past few months or so). I’m at a really hard place in my life right now. I just feel like everyone I am surrounded by are making these huge life changes/decisions…grabbing life by the reigns and I’m sitting still…too scared to jump in.

I have two married friends Donna and Courtney. Can you believe that? Two of my close best girl friends are MARRIED. One of which happens to also be my newest cousin! Its exciting to me that they are both on these new paths in their lives, but I can’t help but find myself longing for that next step…and frankly not because of being married, but to be doing something new. Which moves us along to…

I am so proud of my two friends Janae and Janelle. They make me feel honored to be their friend and when I think about how proud I am of them, tears come to my eyes (uh like right now). Janae is leaving tomorrow for a year of service in Bethlehem. Yup folks, one whole year. Janae has been off at school for the past four years, but there were always Christmas breaks, summer vacations and the occasional random visit. But this time, she’s gone for an entire year. I’m still not sure about this whole situation, but I get I don’t have much of a say eh? Joking aside, she makes me realize that life is full of opportunity, and you really need to just take it…take the risk and jump for it or its going to pass you by. Janae’s life is a true example of a person being completely self-less to help others around her. 
Then there is Janelle. Janelle, I swear, is the most go-getter person I know. She has the personality where she’ll tell me things and I say “no way” and then she makes it happen! She is off to Virginia for the next 4 years (i think 4, maybe 3) for law school. I’m sure she’ll be back to visit, but I have recently witnessed the life of a law student and its far from leisurely. 

These girls and I have been through more experiences than anyone can imagine. Ups, downs and all arounds. I like to think that a little bit of me is down in Virginia, and will be off in Palestine…or at least I know a little bit of each of these fabulous ladies comes with me everywhere I go.

Then there is me. Jobless. Not sure of whats to come…honestly. It just feels like the world around me is taking a huge step forward, but someone is holding me back. Its not due to anything but…lack of opportunity. 

I hope this isn’t coming off as so ‘woe is me.’ I do enjoy my life, and I’m learning to be less intense…a lot less intense in terms of my opinions and moods. I’ll figure things out, I promise.

I do have a pretty great boyfriend. Had a great birthday! He got me 3 pandora charms and a 177 cake decorating set. We are great!

And for this I am grateful.

I like to sleep all the time……… no lie!

3 Aug

So yah one thing that I notice is that I fall asleep around ten o’clock and then leave Chris hanging around until 1 o clock.  Sometimes he tries to wake me up but I get so grumpy I yell at him.  At the moment my belly hurts.  But Chris is awesome and even though I’m a jerk 90% of the time to him I fully plan on buying a African Sideneck turtle for him.

its creepy when…

28 Jul

your boyfriend can barely remember how to get to your house, but has memorized every one of your blog entries…

just sayin’

Its been so longgg…

29 May

So I decided to make Chris happy and update my blog.

To be honest, I’m so tired. Its been a long week. I had jury duty, my assistant was absent and my class has been insane. The end of the year is coming fast, and I’m getting sad. I love my class, and I hate seeing them go.

Thats all. I’m falling asleep writing this.

Love my boo for sure!


nothings new

13 Mar

Nothing is really new, but a lot of things aren’t the same. I now have short hair, an asymmetrical bob if you will. My hair is also highlighted…we’ll see how long this lasts. My skin is bad, but that’s cause i went off my shots. I’m back on them as of this week, so I’d say 2 weeks and I’m better.

Donna’s wedding is coming up…and I’m excited. Chris gets to come and hopefully he will dance with me. I got a pretty dress and oh I’ve lost upwards of 20 pounds! Which is exciting in itself.

I’m still teaching…its fun. I’m still making cupcakes and looking for a way to make loads of money doing something I love…

For Chris

12 Mar


Cupcakes Cupcake Cupcakes

28 Dec

Thats it. I’ve become hooked by the cupcake bandit. No, I’m not talking about an obsession with eating a cupcake…but with baking them. For Christmas, I got a cupcake cookbook from one of my students, another from another student, and one from Chris. I got a cupcake carrier from my sister, and the big top cupcake pans from my mom. One of the books I got is Hello, Cupcake. I’ve been contemplating this purchase for a while now, but I never could bring myself to getting it, I’m not really sure why. I got it from Addy, and from then on I began my plotting. Christmas cupcake…Christmas bulb cupcakes…for Christmas Eve, yup that was the plan.

So I set off on my quest to Market Basket for some candy. I needed things to manipulate to decorate the cupcakes with…well that was easier said than done. I couldn’t find anything besides some spice drops and air heads…so I continued on my search. I ended up finding m&m minis (after a long search) and some licorice…and I finally (after going to 4 different stores) found light green and red decorating sugars.

Early Christmas Eve, the cupcake process began. My first time EVER making ANYTHING from scratch and I was successful…it wasn’t hard either. I then cooked them and let them cool. I spent most of the afternoon baking, with a brief break to exchange presents with chris (he got me the best earrings ever, i love them!).

Here are 4 of the 18 cupcakes (I always have trouble getting 24 out of a batch, idk why) These were mine and Chris’ favorites so I decided to take a picture of them.
Everyone at Christmas Eve loved the cupcakes, and I was so glad. I hope one day I can do this professionally, although I have a lot to learn.